For December 2001: No doubt, no pain Come ever again, well Let there be light in this lifetime In the cool, silent moments of the nighttime -- Planets of the Universe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For November 2001: So still there is a fire..that no one sees She doesn't even see it either.. Or so everyone thinks.. -- Fire Burning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For October 2001: And don't condescend to me Take your leave Take your leave Take your leave of me now Disappear into the air I wish you gone And I don't care I know you don't believe it.. -- Planets of the Universe (extended lyrics) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For September 2001: So we both play It gets under your skin And we both the love the road But the roads are different -- Violet and Blue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For August 2001: I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain.. -- The Chain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For July 2001: I've been with you before I'll be with you again I'll come back for more, yea The story has a strange ending -- Nomad/Candlebright ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For June 2001: Maybe I am calmer now Maybe things are fine Maybe I made the whole thing up Maybe it isn't a lie Maybe the reason I say these things Is to bring you back alive Maybe I fought this long and this hard Just to make sure you survive -- Fall From Grace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For May 2001: Well, I am not happy And I am not crazy Are you listening, do you hear Everything happens for a reason Stay clear -- Love Changes, from Trouble in Shangri-La ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For April 2001: To feel the empty spaces she's feeling She depends on her music like a husband And she knows it's no good to fall in love again... One day they were day they were friends There was nothing else to say -- Ghosts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For March 2001: There was another girl; she was much like you... She lived in the past and had trouble with the future. Well, she walked with her head held high nd her hands held down at the sides; it was everything that I had not wanted- there were reasons to be crazy -- Real Tears ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For February 2001: Quiet now, songbird, just for one night Well, I know that you love to sing And, oh baby, well, I know that you love to write You live by the light of the moon and I live by light of desire -- Thousand Days ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For January 2001: But I knew that this was just for now And the time would take its toll upon us all Well it would break our hearts Tear it apart But no one understood The affairs of the heart -- Affairs of the Heart
Photo from The Nicks Fix.