~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For June 1999: "I watched you fly through the world in a golden ball many of the cities, well, I never saw at all. Sometimes I feel I was always on call, sometimes even I am allowed to fall." -- Sweet Girl (live) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For July 1999: "I have my own life, and I am stronger than you know. But I carry this feeling: when you walked into my house you won't be walking out the door." -- Leather and Lace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For August 1999: "No one knows how I feel, what I say unless you read between my lines. One man walked away from me; first he took my hand...take me home." -- Stand Back ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For September 1999: "One more night I'd like to lie and hold you Yes and feel... To make you smile, I'd like to be there for you-- Have you forgotten me?" -- If You Ever Did Believe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For October 1999: "We come from different worlds but we are the same. I never doubted your beauty-- I've changed." -- Beauty and the Beast ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For November 1999: "And it all comes down to you Well, you know that it does Well, lightning strikes, maybe once, maybe twice Ah, and it lights up the night." -- Gypsy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For December 1999: "And to those that I love Like a ghost through a fog; Like a charmed hour And a haunted song: And the angel, of my dreams..." -- Angel |
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